When I arrived in Amsterdam around 8:30 AM, our landlord picked me up from the airport and took me to our flat that we rented off Air BnB. I have never used this before, but I thought it was a good experience. It is nice to have your own space as well as kitchen to cook some food. Manuel and his friends Anita and Valentina did not arrive until after 8 PM and so I had the place and day to myself. I used this rare time of being alone to sleep and rest as I was still very sick at this point. It was nice to basically be in bed all day. It was so great to be with my friend Manuel again! I can't believe that it has been over a month since I was in Scotland. Time flies and I have seen so much since then.
We stayed in Amsterdam from the 12th to the 16th. I don't really know how I feel about Amsterdam. It is a beautiful city aesthetically in some parts, but then again many of the building are leaning as if they could fall down any minute. It was really odd, but I enjoyed walking around the city. It was huge and there was always something new to see.
I expected the Coffeeshops in Amsterdam. There were several of them everywhere and it wasn't shocking. The Red Light District on the other hand blew my mind! What a crazy place! Women in windows trying to wave in new clients, live shows, shops and so much more. I only went there during the day and it was jaw dropping.
The four of us had a really great time wandering around the city. It is always great to have Manuel around because I get Italian made pasta for dinner. The guy knows how to cook! One day, we were joined by Arjen, a Dutch friend that guided us around Amsterdam for a couple of hours. Wonderful few days in Amsterdam!
Outdoor market
Street performers
Dutch Windmill
Created my own Magnum!
Flower market
On our last day in Amsterdam, there was a demonstration against what was occurring in Turkey. The protestors had signs saying "Stop police brutality"and "Erdogan, new Hitler". There were quite a few people and the march disrupted the tram system for a while. I thought it was great to be able to see people fight for what they believe in. Freedom of speech should be a given right to all citizens of the world in my opinion.
"The traveler was active; he went strenuously in search of people, of adventure, of experience. The tourist is passive; he expects interesting things to happen to him. He goes 'sight-seeing'."
-Daniel J. Boorstin
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