Thursday, December 12, 2013


     I don't know how many people know this, but I love documentaries, obsessed might be a better word.  I don't watch television at all, but I love film and I love documentaries.  I think it is an amazing way to be educated and I take it upon myself to watch several all the time.  I don't even necessarily have a topic in mind that I will want to watch about.  I used to go onto Netflix and now Youtube and I just search for something that looks interesting.  All one needs to do is type in "Documentaries" in the search on Youtube and thousands pop up.  I felt like it was time to share some of the many documentaries I have watched.  I will continue to share more on my Blog posts as I watch or remember them.  I love watching documentaries because then I know more about this world we live in.  Some of these documentaries are not for the faint of heart and I admit that I am a frequent crier, but I would rather be educated than ignorant.

"Crips and Bloods: Made in America"

Unfortunately this documentary is no longer free on Youtube, but I really encourage you to watch it so I have placed a link below to show you what it is.

     This documentary was absolutely wonderful.  It shows how racism and hate only generates more violence.  People are not always aware of "white privilege" and this film shows how African Americans were treated daily, being questioned if they happened to be in a part of town that they "shouldn't" be in, a Caucasian area.  It was very interesting to see how these two gangs, the Bloods and the Crips originated and why.  It certainly gave me some new insights and prospectives that I did not previously have.  We have to build each other up in order to get out of these dark ways of life, not put a person down and keep them down with no resources.

"Cannibal Warlords of Liberia" 

     I was incredibly unsettled by this documentary although it was very well done and insightful.  I can't even believe how grotesque war can get.  It is so heartbreaking how poor the country of Liberia is and what it has come too.  Fourth poorest country in the world, 50% illiterate, 70% women raped, 80% unemployed, and many have eaten human flesh.  Wow...  This documentary makes you count your lucky stars and feel so incredibly blessed by the life you were given.

"Inside the Saudi Kingdom"

     I thought this documentary was very well done!  The Prince did make some valuable points as to why their country isn't as progressive as the Western World...  It takes time.  While I certainly don't agree with the limitations that women have in Saudi Arabi, I do understand the aspect of people hating change, especially the elderly.  It is going to take some time for their country to advance like we have, so we have to enlighten as many people as we can and be patient. Unfortunately things can't change over night but I sure hope it does soon for the sake of women's rights!  I couldn't imagine not meeting my husband until the wedding night after a segregated wedding party.  Many things really don't make any sense to me about their culture, but I feel more educated seeing what this man had to say for himself and getting another perspective.

"World's Scariest Drug (Documentary Exclusive)"

     This drug is intense and everyone needs to know about.  Unbelievable that it can just be blown into your face and you essentially become a Zombie.  I think it is a huge priority to educate about drugs in order to be aware of your surroundings.  As a girl traveling alone, I would never leave my cup on the table for example as someone could slip something into it faster than the eye can see.  Drug education is important and this drug is incredibly alarming!

"Suicide Forest in Japan"

     This is an incredibly depressing documentary, but I was very interested in it.  I don't really have much to say other than it is a good watch.  If you are ever thinking of suicide, please seek help!  Someone loves you very much and your loss to this word is going to affect people greatly.  If you ever need someone to talk to, I am here even if I am a stranger to you!

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". -Nelson Mandela

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